
We welcome submissions year-round responding to works in the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s permanent collection and select past special exhibits - all areas, including painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, costume, musical instruments, and the Met building itself. All styles are welcome from poets around the world. We are unable to pay at this time, but we’re working toward it.

Please send up to three poems with a note about the work they reference to Please include a 2-3 line 3rd person bio.

Please note: we get a number of submissions about works in other museums, and we get many that are simply not ekphrastic poems. Only ekphrastic poems about specific pieces at the Met will be considered. Please note the piece(s) in your cover letter. Thank you!

The editors are Amanda Quaid and Jon Rachmani.

Upcoming Theme Calls

We always accept general submissions, but we occasionally put out calls for upcoming theme issues. If you’d like to be considered for a theme, please indicate it in your cover letter.

Mother & Child - poems about works of art at the Met that feature mothers and children, or perhaps the act of being at the Met as a mother or child. - Submissions close March 20